Going ons

    Monday, March 30, 2009

    The glory days ;_;

    Ding'd 22 today, and I feel like a boring adult. I forgot it was today too, for some reason I thought it was tomorrow! I'm just doing homework, finishing this animation scene and studying instead of streaking across the high school football field...man that worries me. Not that I'm studying, but wishing I was doing something ridiculously stupid right now just to reassure myself that I'm a still a teenager. Man, it feels like it was only yesterday when I was thinking to myself that maybe I'm too old to play in the ball pit at McDonald's or DZ. As I always tell myself every year,

    Let the mind age another year, but keep the spirit forever young.

    That way you'll still be cool enough that your grand kids will always want to hang out with you even though you're all old, wrinkly and keep forgetting their names.

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